This page is an Update History of the site.

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#1/20 December 18 2020
Updated BEGELHOLE site.
Adjusted date/time to coincide with Daylight Saving.
Added Updated date to Index Page.

#1/18 September 08 2018
Updated BEGELHOLE, BELL, DAWSON, & MACKIE sites privacy & security settings
Added Updated date to Index Page.

#4/16 October 03 2016
Adjusted date/time to coincide with Daylight Saving.
Added Updated date to Index Page.

#3/16 August 08 2016
Added Family names to Lobley Web site.
Added Updated date to Index Page.

#2/16 August 07 2016
Added Family names to Dawson/Dowson Web site.
Added Updated date to Index Page.

#1/16 March 18 2016
Added message re link to Hobby Page
Added Updated date to Index Page.

#1/14 January 14 2014
Added message re change of location
Added Updated date to Index Page.

#3/13 July 22 2013
Added Photos to Walker Family Military Pages.
Added Updated date to Index Page.

#2/13 July 08 2013
Added Walker Family
General updates to all Family Intro pages to reflect previous update #2/12.
Hit Counters now reading correctly.

#1/13 May 27 2013
Added Military button to Index page
Updated Miltary page to reflect War Workers records and added link to GSV.

#4/12 September 10 2012
Updated Bell Family names

#3/12 August 26 2012
Upgraded security for BDM Certificates, Photos
& Miscellaneous Pages by adding login requirements

#2/12 August 24 2012
Uploaded ALL files after hack attack. All files now OK
More updates to come

#1/12 April 02 2012
Adjusted time for end of Daylight Saving

#3/11 October 02 2011
Adjusted time for Daylight Saving

#2/11 August 25 2011
Fixed broken links on reference to freepages website on BEGELHOLE pages.

#1/11 June 28 2011
Fixed broken links on BEGELHOLE & RICHARDSON pages.

#10/10 December 24 2010
Added date for details of RICHARDSON Pages.

#9/10 September 22 2010
Updated email address on various pages.

#8/10 August 22 2010
Updated BEGELHOLE Home Page.

#7/10 August 18 2010
Rectified broken links.

#6/10 August 16 2010
Blank pages on BDM Certificates not showing correctly on unfinished families.
Rectified to show not available.

#5/10 August 11 2010
Changed the way Login passwords work.
Added Military Service page to BEGELHOLE & CATTERSON SITES.
Added BDM Certificates, Miscellaneous Documents & Photo Album to BEGELHOLE site.

#4/10 July 09 2010
Redesigned links & pages on BELL site for BDM Certificates, and links for Photos & Miscellaneous documents.

#3/10 June 29 2010
Fixed "bugs" in BDM Certificates & Miscellaneous Documents in BELL Site.

#2/10 June 21 2010
Added BDM Certificates, Miscellaneous Documents, Photo Album to BELL site.

#1/10 June 05 2010
Created new index page.
Added details to MACKIE site.